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How to choose a dining-room table

Fancy a get-together, family gatherings, intimate convos on the bottle of wine your home has big responsibilities. Choosing the one that shapes up is tricky, particularly a small space. Here's how to get the perfect fit.

Crowd control

First things first. Decide how many individuals you'd like your table to seat. They'll need room to nibble on their food comfortably, without bashing elbows which has a neighbour. If space is tight, an extending table will solve your entire problems. You can stash away the leaves when guests aren't over, reclaiming that precious extra important living area.

Mind the gap

The ideal size your table will depend on the size your room. There should be a good amount of space for anyone to get down and up easily from other dining chairs, and never end up stuck inside a corner. The golden rule? Leave 1m clearance involving the table as well as the wall, you should also factor in another furniture.

Gather round

Round tables are MADE for small spaces. They slot easily into tight spots, and fit a lot more people around them than angled styles. Having no corners means everyone faces one another, so they're just the thing for making conversation. And they'll keep food fights low if you're serving up a sharing platter.

Try when you buy

The best method to make sure you end up that has a table you adore? Check how it'll search the room. Our top tip: try the size by folding a bedsheet into your right shape on the ground. It'll assist you to work out if there's enough moving space, this is an easier method to measure the right dimensions.

Pull up a pew

Both you and your guests will be needing somewhere to take a seat, and not everyone has the place for spare chairs. Benches undertake less room than dining chairs and may usually cram a few more and more people on. Scooching required. Drape a throw or sheepskin rug over one end to hold everyone feeling comfy.


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